Friday, June 17, 2011

Playstation Changes The Way You Play Portable Games

Here is another story from E3, Its a new gadget from Playstation : the PS Vista. If you look at the picture, it looks like an average PSP, but the secret is its not a PSP. Instead of a normal boring screen, the Vita has a touch screen. Yes. I know. Thats not the only awesome part. Remeber on the PSP how you had to have wi-fi to play online, so if you went on a car ride you would be playing solo. Well Playstation has a solution to that too. They made the Vita able to connect to AT&T wi-fi. That means you can play literally anywhere. And it gets even better. You know how everything has a camera now? This device has one too. Playstation installed these so the games can take your surroundings and put them in the game.  They said this will bring a awesome Augmented Reality (AR) to the games. When I saw this, all I could say was wow. I want it, and I want it NOW. The new PS Vita will start out at 249$ and be released by March 2012

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